Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Final Stretch of the Semester

For the previous week, I have been working the power point for the next presentation. Will also start to work on the rough draft for the Final Paper.  I have been doing some research no 3D printed parts and seeing what print settings will give me the best outcome.  The chart below shows that I should set my print settings to 70% infill and have a 0.2 mm layer height to account for optimal strength, quality, cost, and speed.  Since quality will not be an issue, printing at an infill of 70% and a layer height of 0.3 mm will also suffice. Research was found from this article: ""

Friday, November 25, 2016

Vander-Bend Manufacturing

For this week, a couple groups got the opportunity to go to Vander-Bend.  They took us out on a tour on the manufacturing floor and we were able to see how some of their products were being made. We also got to ask Vander-Bend some questions that regarded how the track would be manufactured.  For this week, we are going to continue to work on getting things outsourced in time for us to be able to start the building process.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

3D Printed Parts

We finally got a quote for our custom brackets from Kearny Foundry and found that it is pretty pricey for our needs.  So we went with the option of 3D printing our bracket.  The bracket takes quite a bit of time to print out but it is much cheaper.  I have printed the bracket with an infill of 60% and it feels pretty sturdy.  Some tests need to be done to see if we can use 3D printed parts as an alternative to metal.  I have also printed out parts for Mechanical Bogie Improvement team for their wheel holder plate.  Pictures are shown below of the prints. The wheel holder plate was printed at 100% infill and came out really nice.  The bracket on the other hand, due to how it was printed there will need to be some sanding to clean up the part.  

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Finalizing Track Design

For the previous week, parts were getting finalized and drawings are being made to send out for quotes by Kearney Foundry and Vanderbend.  Once quotes come in, my team can make decisions on what we can do to make the proper improvements to the track.  Also have been keepin in contact with Kevin from track manufacturing team in order for his team to have the right dimensions needed for the track.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Getting Parts Molded

For the previous week, we were finalizing our design and in discussion with getting a quote from Kearny Foundry.  This week has been quite busy with midterms but more progress will come for the following week.  Also, not much have been done in workshop last Wednesday due to presentations.